Outside Bodies

Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board



Aims and Objectives of the Organisation:

The Boad deals with all land drainage issues within its drainage district.  Flooding issues and planning application responses are part of the functions the Board is involved with.

Role and responsibility of the Council representative

eg. Observer, Trustee, Board Member, Observer

A Board member representing the Council - a contribution to the Board.

What does the Organisation hope to achieve through the relationship?

The council representative would be a Board member offering advice and making comments on all the Board's affairs.  Any appropriate information discussed at the meetings is hopefully related back to Council officers and members.

How often are the meetings held, venue and time?

5 meetings per year on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm.

What skills/experience/interests would be desirable from the Council’s representative?

Interest in land drainage and/or planning.

What arrangements are in place to indemnify board members against the risk of personal liability?

The board makes joint decisions, no one person could be held liable.

Any other information the Organisation wishes to add

The Council pays a large sums to the Drainage Board each year in special levies.  For this reason, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is allowed a representative on the Board to oversee their interests are represented.


Contact information

Website: http://medwayidb.co.uk/upper-medway.html

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Our representatives