Agenda item

Renovation of three properties in Crescent Road for affordable housing

To consider and decide on the recommendations as set out in the attached report.




  1. That the renovation of three empty properties owned by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to provide six self contained flats for people recovering from rough sleeping be approved.
  2. That a Capital Budget of £515k funded through Homes England Grant funding of £205k and £310k of s106 commuted sums be approved.
  3. That the release £310k of s106 commuted sums that were received by the Council from the Homeopathic Hospital Site be approved.
  4. That the Head of Housing, Health and Environment and the Head of Economic Development and Property in consultation with the Director of Change and Communities,  the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Wellbeing and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance be authorised to submit a full planning application and any other associated planning/ building applications required, invite competitive tenders for the refurbishment works, accept a tender and oversee the works to completion and to enter into such deeds and agreements arising from or ancillary to the legal formalities referred to in this recommendation be approved.
  5. That the surrender of the lease from Tunbridge Wells Property Holdings Limited to the Council for 32 Crescent Road be approved.  That the Head of Economic Development and Property  in consultation with the s151 officer , the Monitoring Officer and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance be delegated to carry out all the necessary negotiations, legal processes and legal documentation to complete these refurbishment works and subsequent leasing of the refurbished units..
  6. That the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete all necessary deeds and agreements arising from or ancillary to the funding agreement with Homes England, application for planning permission, tenders, refurbishment and other legal formalities referred to in these recommendations and the occupation of the six units on terms agreed by the Head of Housing, Health and Environment and the Head of Economic Development and Property.


REASON FOR DECISION: To provide six long term homes that can be used for former rough sleepers which would help TWBC meet its commitment to end rough sleeping in the Borough.



In accordance with the provisions Of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 14 in Part 4 of the Constitution, the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny gave prior agreement that this decision was urgent and would not be subject to call-in as delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interest.



Jane Lang, Housing Services Manager introduced the report that recommended approval for the renovation of three empty properties in order to provide six self contained flats for people recovering from rough sleeping.


Discussion and responses to Members questions included the following:


-       Homelessness was on the increase across the country and the Borough was no exception.

-       Housing services had seen a 20% increase in homeless approaches during the last financial year compared with 2018/19.

-       Last year the Council was contacted by over 1300 households including families with children who were facing homelessness.

-       Under the ‘Everyone In’ initiative the Council had provided accommodation on a nightly paid basis for over 80 people.  These were people that the Council would have not previously had a duty to provide accommodation.  The Council had now found homes for over 50 but still had around 25 people currently in nightly paid accommodation.

-       The Council  had specialist workers who provided more in-depth help for those people who required more support. 

-       The Council had a Housing First scheme which provided accommodation for those who required a high level of support and need.

-       The Council also had funding to help those who needed rent deposits.

-       The Council had a lack of longer term housing for those in need.

-       The properties in Crescent Road would provide the Council with an opportunity to create a long term supply of housing for residents in housing need.

-       This was a joint project with Government - Homes England who fund affordable housing projects.

-       The project would also use s106 funding which had been previously collected with the purpose of providing affordable housing.

-       The initial conditions of the Grant was for the works to be completed by the end of March 2021.  However giving the timing of the decision notice from Homes England and having looked further at the works required, the Council’s timescales were to the middle of June 2021.  The Council were now in the process of agreeing this change with Homes England.  The contract with Homes England was due to be signed in the next few weeks. 

-       The homes would include a number of energy efficiency measures which included:

o   Air source heat pumps for heating hot water;

o   Thermostat controlled radiators;

o   Low energy lighting;

o   Secondary glazing for windows at the front of the properties and double glazing at the rear;

o   Changes to some of the doors so they were energy efficient;

o   Showers would be installed rather than baths;

o   All floors, external walls  and loft space would be insulated.



  1. That the renovation of three empty properties owned by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to provide six self contained flats for people recovering from rough sleeping be approved.
  2. That a Capital Budget of £515k funded through Homes England Grant funding of £205k and £310k of s106 commuted sums be approved.
  3. That the release of £310k of s106 commuted sums that were received by the Council from the Homeopathic Hospital Site be approved.
  4. That the Head of Housing, Health and Environment and the Head of Economic Development and Property in consultation with the Director of Change and Communities,  the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Wellbeing and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance be authorised to submit a full planning application and any other associated planning/ building applications required, invite competitive tenders for the refurbishment works, accept a tender and oversee the works to completion and to enter into such deeds and agreements arising from or ancillary to the legal formalities referred to in this recommendation be approved.
  5. That the surrender of the lease from Tunbridge Wells Property Holdings Limited to the Council for 32 Crescent Road be approved.  That the Head of Economic Development and Property  in consultation with the s151 officer , the Monitoring Officer and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance be delegated to carry out all the necessary negotiations, legal processes and legal documentation to complete these refurbishment works and subsequent leasing of the refurbished units..
  6. That the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete all necessary deeds and agreements arising from or ancillary to the funding agreement with Homes England, application for planning permission, tenders, refurbishment and other legal formalities referred to in these recommendations and the occupation of the six units on terms agreed by the Head of Housing, Health and Environment and the Head of Economic Development and Property.


REASON FOR DECISION: To provide six long term homes that can be used for former rough sleepers which would help TWBC meet its commitment to end rough sleeping in the Borough.



In accordance with the provisions Of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 14 in Part 4 of the Constitution, the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny gave prior agreement that this decision was urgent and would not be subject to call-in as delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interest.


Supporting documents: