Agenda item

Application for Consideration - 21/03299/REM Land At Brick Kiln Farm High Street Cranbrook Kent


Planning Report and Presentation – The Head of Planning Services submitted a report in respect of application PLA152/21 Land at Brick Kiln Farm, High Street, Cranbrook, Kent and this was summarised at the meeting by Ms Marie Bolton Principal Planning Officer and illustrated by means of a visual presentation.


Updates and additional representation – Since publication of the agenda report, the presenting officer updated:


1.    Condition 17 – Removal from the consideration pending final detail/licence.

2.    Condition 8 – Condition 8 (now 10) referred to removal of permitted development - Classes A-D now and not A-F as in reports.

3.    Additional Conditions – Inclusion of conditions as circulated to Councillors 6 April 2022. 

4.    Parking numbers – The applicant has confirmed 352 and an additional 35 spaces for visitors. 

5.    Landscape – The scheme is considered to be a landscape led scheme and the open space provision is some 6.66 ha within the site. 

6.    Additional Comment – Late comment received from the Parish Council – regarding eco credentials and PassivHaus.   conditions regarding energy conservation have been secured on the outline application and the strategy set out. Tunbridge Wells Borough Council have no policy policy to secure PassivHaus.


Registered Speakers – There were 5 speakers that registered in accordance with the Council’s Constitution (Planning Committee Procedure Rules)



·         Ms Philippa Gill, a local resident

·         Ms Liz Daley, a local resident

·         Mr Tim Kemp, a local resident



·         Mr Terry Gamble, on behalf of the applicant


Borough Councillors:

·         Councillor Nancy Warne, Benenden and Cranbrook spoke in objection to the application.


Matters of Clarification by Officers and Committee Members’ Questions to Officers – Members raised a number of questions and officers confirmed the following:

              i.        Officers confirmed that the site was allocated since the 2016 Site Allocation Local Plan and already had outline planning consent, therefore the only matters for consideration were the Reserves Matters and the additional conditions circulated to Members.

             ii.        The report set out details of community engagement and it was advised that additional engagement that had taken place with opportunities given through advertisement of the application.

            iii.        It was confirmed that the adopted policy was 35% affordable housing which this scheme achieved as set out in the outline application as part of the Section (S)106 agreement, this could not be revisited and allocations were on a cascade basis.

           iv.        It was advised that social rent was not a requirement on this scheme but was included as a current requirement within the emerging local plan.

             v.        Officers considered that the affordable housing would be tenure blind.

           vi.        In response to speakers comment about Corn Hall not advanced, it was advised that Corn Hall remained allocated within the site allocation local plan and was proposed to be allocated separately within the submission local plan.

          vii.        It was advised that the principle of the 15 metre ancient woodland buffer represented existing policy and the scheme did achieve that.

         viii.        Specialist officers were satisfied that this was a landscape led scheme that retained a significant buffer to the road frontage and north east of the site.

           ix.        Additional conditions had been accepted by the applicant which sought the finer detailed windows and doors and were important to secure the quality of the scheme.

             x.        S106 contributions were secured as set out in the report and it was confirmed that adult new recreation and the Cranbrook Hub had a contribution as requested by Kent County Council (KCC).

           xi.        In terms of sustainable transport it was noted there was contribution of £1,000 per dwelling.

          xii.        It was confirmed that 2 additional conditions had been secured and related to the appearance of the substation and the screening and ensured the (T24) mature tree on site was retained.

         xiii.        The Landscape and Biodiversity Officer was satisfied that the application was compliant in terms of biodiversity net gain landscape and ecology improvements.

         xiv.        It was advised that “quiet tarmac” could not be added as a condition, however if Members were minded to add an informative to encourage its use this was possible.

          xv.        KCC Highways had not raised any objections and officers were satisfied that there was sufficient parking on site.

         xvi.        Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging points were discussed in terms of who was responsible for maintenance and the amount of plots allocated.


Committee Member Debate and officer clarification included:

              i.        Members felt that their hands were tied to the requirements and policies that related to an out of date policy.

             ii.        Members stated that it was disgraceful that there was no social housing for rent on the site and urged the developer to talk to the Council and local community about the need for rent social housing. It was acknowledged that it was not something that could be enforced and that it would be a  voluntary discussion.

            iii.        It was advised that it was not possible to put an informative about social rent as it did not relate to the application before Members.

           iv.        Members put forward a similar point related to EV charging points for shared spaces and suggested to the developer that market pressure alone would push them to a more generous, useful and suitable offering.


Decision/voting – On the basis that members were satisfied that all relevant planning considerations had been covered within the report, a motion was proposed by Councillor Atwood seconded by Councillor Patterson and a vote was taken to approve the application in line with the officer recommendation.


RESOLVED – That application PLA152/21 be granted subject to the completion of a Legal Agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and plans, conditions and informatives as set out in the agenda report and the additional informative below.


1.    The applicant was advised to give consideration to the use of ‘quiet’ tarmac in the surfacing of roads, in the interest of amenity. 

Supporting documents: