Issue - decisions

*Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Strategy

09/02/2023 - *Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Strategy

RESOLVED – That Full Council be recommended:


1.    That the changes to the base budget along with the assumptions and approach set out throughout the report be approved.

2.    That the responses to the budget consultation be approved.

3.    That the use of £943,000 from reserves to balance the budget be approved.

4.    That the rolling forward of the capital programme including gross funding of £620,000 for new schemes be approved.

5.    That an increase in the Basic Amount of Council Tax of £5.71 per annum for a Band D property be approved.

6.    That the implementation of Council Tax premiums on second homes from 1 April 2024 and the application of 100% Council Tax premium on properties that have been empty for at least 1 year from 1 April 2024, subject to the Regeneration and Levelling -Up Bill receive Royal Assent be approved. 


REASON FOR DECISION: To deliver a sustainable budget to deliver the Council’s key objectives.