Outside Bodies

Tourism South East



Aims and Objectives of the Organisation:

To provide services and expertise to support the performance and growth of tourism destinations through a wide variety of activities.

Role and responsibility of the Council representative

eg. Observer, Trustee, Board Member, Observer

Member of the Tourism Council with full voting rights.

What does the Organisation hope to achieve through the relationship?

To represent the Council's interests and influence decision making.

How often are the meetings held, venue and time?

Between one half and one full day per annum depending on the location of meetings and the Councillor’s availability.

What skills/experience/interests would be desirable from the Council’s representative?

An interest in the tourism industry would be an advantage.

What arrangements are in place to indemnify board members against the risk of personal liability?

Employers' Liability Insurance


Contact information

Website: http://www.tourismsoutheast.com/

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external link